Public Profile

Linda Connal 70sc

Linda Connal

Linda Connal's activity stream

  • donated via 2019-05-22 08:48:53 -0400

    Help Us Build A Just Energy Future For All


    We've done incredible things together, recently we were featured on the TODAY Show! We need all kinds of support to make Energy Democracy happen, and your donations are a critical part of that.

    Look below to see what your contributions do:

    • $5 prints 50 flyers for an event
    • $25 supports a subsidized Soulardarity membership
    • $50 buys winter weatherization supplies for a household
    • $250 pays for carpool, childcare and food for community to participate in call-to-action events
    • $1000 sends our staff and community leaders to educational workshops, training and coalition conventions
    • $5000 allows us to grow our member base and operational capacity!

    Every gift makes a difference. We also encourage you to become a dues-paying member and add your voice and leadership to our forward motion. You can also sign up to be a monthly sustainer donor at

    If you want to make a larger donation than this page allows, email [email protected] for instructions.

    To donate by check, please make the check payable to Soulardarity and mail it to:

    21 Highland St
    Highland Park, MI 48203

    Soulardarity is a 501c3 charitable organization. Donations made to Soulardarity are tax-deductible under Soulardarity's EIN: 47-2733535


    Let Communities Choose: Clean Energy Sovereignty in Highland Park, MI

    Thanks to

    James Gignac and Edyta Sitko

    Union of Concerned Scientists

    for their partnership with us in researching and publishing of this report!



    $50 donations or more will receive a custom

    Soulardarity sweatshirt as a thank you for renewing your membership!





  • wants to volunteer 2016-12-23 12:41:38 -0500



    Volunteer Needs

    How are you going to answer the call?

    These are action groups that involves a more active and ongoing commitment

    Highland Park Campaign Team - help us create a brighter future for Highland Park

    State Energy Democracy Team - join our team to build strategy and advocate for creating better energy policy in Lansing

    Grow Solar Highland Park-Detroit/Rise UP Training - join the effort to provide affordable rooftop solar to homeowners and create jobs along the way

    Fundraising Committee - serve on the committee, support ongoing efforts to engage in fundraising

    Board Election Team - help us ensure that our board elections are accessible to membership and encourage others to run

    Annual Energy Sustainability and Tech Fair Planning Group - be a part of visioning and planning for this annual event so that we can share with residents the benefits of renewable energy

    Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing & Theory of Change Focus Group - participate in helping us define what it means for Soulardarity to follow these critical organizing principles

    Soulardarity Growth & Stability Group - help us grow our base of support in a way that is firmly rooted in community and our mission



    Please take a few moments to select your choices below. You will be contacted by one of our staff to learn more.

    Thank you!

    Questions? Contact [email protected]

    Become a volunteer