Because of generous donors like you, we have blown past our goal of $3000. We've raised enough funds to pay not only our rent, but our utility bills throughout 2018. Organizations committed to building community-owned institutions often struggle to stay in place ourselves. Your generosity has ensured solid foundation that supports not only us, but our many partners and allies with whom we are building a just energy future and community power.
Let's take it one step further.
We want Soulardarity's office to be a model. We want it to demonstrate how to protect, preserve, and invest in the historic housing stock of Highland Park, and in the people who occupy it. We want to raise an additional $500 before the year is out to invest in making this space a model of sustainability and responsibility through energy efficiency, smart appliances, and community effort. This will not only benefit Soulardarity and by lowering our costs to occupy the space - it will also provide a replicable model for making historic homes energy smart and ready to invest in self-sufficiency through solar.
We've done so much together already - will you make a final donation to keep us Grounded and Growing in 2018?
Here's what your donations can accomplish:
- $5 prints 50 flyers for an event
- $15 buys an hour of childcare to make our events more accessible
- $25 supports a subsidized Soulardarity membership
- $50 buys winter weatherization supplies for a household
- $100 buys local, healthy food for a small community meeting
- $250 pays one month’s rent at our office and maintains a safe, community space
- $1000 sends our community leaders to share Highland Park’s story on a national platform
- $3000 keeps a roof over our heads in 2018!
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