Patrice K. Aaron Family Foundation endorsed 2019-04-13 15:33:30 -0400
Statement on HP City Council Endorsement of Green New Deal
This statement was drafted by Jackson Koeppel and Angela Lugo-Thomas.
We, the undersigned, affirm and support the Highland Park City Council’s unanimous endorsement of the Green New Deal resolution.
Highland Park has long suffered racial and economic injustice. We have been starved of the resources we need to redevelop our community, on our terms. We have been taken advantage of and mistreated by corporations and government alike, and it is time for a change.
We are glad to see the Highland Park City Council take the important symbolic step of endorsing this resolution. But as we know, this resolution is a long ways from becoming policy. It is critical that we take steps as a City to prepare ourselves by taking local action on sustainability planning and democratic community participation.
Soulardarity is shortly releasing the Blueprint on Energy Democracy, a plan to make Highland Park a global model of sustainability and democracy with a 5-point plan of accountable government, equitable development, healthy homes, jobs & careers, and sustainable infrastructure. We have completed nearly two years of thorough research, democratic community engagement, and partnership development, and have identified numerous programs and policies the City of Highland Park can pursue to make us ready for resources and development, from the Green New Deal and other sources.
We look forward to building with the City Council and Administration on these opportunities. For too long Highland Park has been left behind and left in the dark. It’s time to create new possibilities, to realize the vision of a just and sustainable community that determines our own future.
We invite the Council, Administration, and Community to join us on this journey.
Jackson Koeppel, Executive Director, Soulardarity
Soulardarity's Highland Park Resident Board Members Christine Cowan, Cheryl Sanford, Bridgett Townsend, Frankie Davis, and Sharmaine Robinson
Jeremy Orr, Soulardarity General board member
Reginald Flowers, former Soulardarity General Board Member
Shamayim Harris, Founder & CEO, Avalon Village
Anistia Thomas, HP Resident, Founder, Highland Park Collective
Juan Shannon, Founder & CEO, Parker Village Holdings & Modern Tribe Communications, Inc.
Lucy Frye, Owner and Operator, Nandi's Knowledge Cafe
Angela Lugo-Thomas, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
Gracie Wooten, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
Brian Donovan, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
B Anthony Holly, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
Nancy Gambrill, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
Eugenia Darnell, HP Resident and Soulardarity member
Patrice Aaron, President, Patrice K. Aaron Family Foundation
Adrian Laurenzi, Soulardarity supporter
Brother Thomas Zerafa, Soulardarity supporter
Lee Samelson, Soulardarity supporter
Gibran Washington, Soulardarity supporter
Endorse -
Support Let There Be Light
In 2011 DTE removed residential lighting from Highland Park. Today, you have the power to choose a brighter future with community-owned solar streetlights.
See the proposal on ourpowerandlight.com.
Show your support - endorse our proposal below.
I support Soulardarity’s proposal for off-grid solar lighting in Highland Park that is affordable, reliable, safe, inclusive, and community-controlled.