Census Training 4/23
Do you want to help your fellow Highland Parkers complete the census? Join this call to learn best practices for making a list, doing outreach, and helping people through the nuts and bolts of census completion.
Information for login will be provided upon RSVP.
Missed the last training, can't make this one? Watch the recording at tinyurl.com/HPcensusTraining
If you're tech savvy and want to get a jump on the training, take a minute download Empower, the relational organizing app Soulardarity is utilizing for census outreach. You can set up your account and go through the prompts to add your HP contacts to your personal list - don't worry, no one but you will be able to reach out to them! Go to this link on your phone: getempower.com/jacksonk
April 23, 2020 at 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Jackson Koeppel
· 9175543741
or Text CENSUS423 to +13133491063 to RSVP
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