Q3 Membership Meeting

August 6, 2020 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Soulardarity Office at 21 Highland Street 48203
Members, friends and family are invited to come hear about the latest changes in the Energy sector and our plans for 2020! Meet the mighty staff and fellowship with members of Soulardarity.
This event is open to the public so bring a friend! Food is provided so please RSVP.
Soulardarity membership meetings occur quarterly, the next is scheduled for: Q4 Membership Meeting Date and Time goes here
Can't make it in person but don't want to miss a beat? RSVP then Email [email protected] to request info and credentials to join us on our Google Hangouts (Video) or Conference Line (Phone).
Click to: Become a Member |Renew Membership
August 06, 2020 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Soulardarity Office
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